Sunday, August 22, 2010

More posts to come..

I completely suck at blogging! I know I do, but I am really going to try to get better. I am setting a goal for myself of doing at least one blog post a week, hopefully more, but I don't want to get too over ambitious here. Most of the first posts we be retroactive, but hey better late than never right!

Tonight Jon and I will be going to our first NFL game! Woo-hoo! We are going to go see the 49ers play the Vikings at Candlestick Park. Should be fun and probably pretty freaking cold! I will post pictures soon!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


On May 5, Jon and I went to see Conan O'Brien on his Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour. It was awesome! Jon and I are huge Conan fans and he did not disappoint. Jon Got us really amazing seats. We were in the fourth row! Here are some photos!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

T-minus 18 days..

I know I have not been good about posting, but just wanted to say how super excited I am that Kim and Kate will be here on May 27th!!! Can't Wait!!! And then I will put up more posts about there visit. I promise! Things are going to be pretty busy around here for the next several week. Jon's roommate from freshman year at Tufts, James, is going to be here on Wednesday and will be staying until Sunday and then on Friday we will be moving out of our apartment. Craziness!! Then the next weekend Kim and Kate will be here. May is going to be insane!! But I can't wait to move into our new apartment. It is a great place and closer to my office so my commute will be shorter which makes me happy. I will post pictures once we get settled. Anyway stayed tuned. There will be more posts in the future, I PROMISE!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kim's Visit

I have had some recent complaints (Kim) that I am still not posting enough, so here you go.

Kim came out to visit in the beginning of Dec., so I took a day off work and we went into the City. Kim's trip was a birthday present to both Kim and I and he so thoughtfully booked us a hotel room near Chinatown. The hotel was really neat. It was a boutique hotel that had and art theme. Every room was painted in the style of different artists or genres. Ours was pretty cool. It had a giant peacock on one wall. It was really cool, even if I did have a lot of difficulty opening the front door... We took the Caltrain to San Francisco so Kim and I just got to sit back and relax. It was nice and a great opportunity for us to just catch up. I have really missed her, so our little mini vacation was just what I needed. We spent most of the day shopping. I think in total Kim and I went to 3 different H&Ms. It would have been 4 except the stores don't open until 11 on Sunday in the city. We also did our fair share of site seeing. We had a really yummy lunch in Chinatown at the Hong Kong Clay Pot and happened to stumble upon the quaintest little fake purse shop. We walked by the store and a tiny naked lady statue caught my eye. I grabbed Kim to show her and laugh about it and low and behold we found the glorious purses. Kim bought herself one as a souvenir and I actually went back the follow week to buy our friend one for Christmas. Then we went on a Golden Gate tour and drove over the Golden Gate Bridge. The tour started at the Palace of Fine Arts which was built for the World's Fair and it was absolutely gorgeous. It would be the perfect place for a picnic and a biker wedding photo shoot. While we were there there was a massive wedding party taking pictures. There had to have been like 15 groomsmen and they all had a Harleys. All the Bridesmaids were wearing kimonos and there was even a tiny motorcycle for the ring bearer. It was quite the spectacle. I would post pictures, but Kim has them all. Then the tour took us over the bridge to Sausalito. It was a really cute town and Kim and I had a great time. That night we shopped some more and then walked to Little Italy for dinner which was quite a trek, especially since I took Kim up the steepest hill possible. The dinner was only so so but it didn't matter Kim and I had fun. Overall it was a great trip and I can't wait for her to come back again! Happy Kim!!! Post the pictures please!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Holiday party

I started working in Oct and the first email that arrived in my inbox was about the famed holiday party. The buzz was very exciting and made me feel like wow! I am working at a really awesome company. Lets just say that the hype did not disappoint! Jon came and picked me up from work and we headed into San Francisco. We checked into the Hotel Fusion, which was next to the club where the party was going to be and no joke, there were search lights in front. I had looked at the clubs website before the party and definitely thought to myself, this is a club I probably couldn't get into unless there was a private party. Anyway, so the party was a blast. It was a seventies them so the bartenders and all the servers were dressed up and they had disco dancers and a giant ice sculpture of a platform shoe with a goldfish in the heel. It was pretty cool. Jon and I had a great time, despite the fact that one of my co-workers fiance's grabbed my butt and various other women's unmentionables. Some people just don't know how to behave. We didn't take many pictures because we were too busy dancing, but it was a fun night and the next morning we walked around San Francisco and went to Chinatown. I gotta say I do love being so close to the city. I think San Francisco is my favorite big city to visit in the US. Sorry New York, but you ain't got nothing on San Fran in my book.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


For Thanksgiving Jon and went to Hot-lanta for the big Wilfong shindig. After waking up at 3:00 am to catch a flight to Atlanta the craziness began. Pretty much from the moment we landed until the moment we boarded the plan to go home there was non-stop action. There were about 40ish people there and I finally got to meet a lot of Jon's family that were not able to make it to the wedding. It was really nice meeting people that I had already heard so much about. Jon and Janet hosted it and did a wonderful job. There was never a dull moment, and all we did was EAT! The first night there we had a low country boil, and then the next day was Thanksgiving, so it goes without saying we had lots of turkey!! Jon's cousin Naphtali made the most delicious pumpkin cheesecake, I ate before I even had my meal! Then the next day the Mitten family (Jon's aunt Mim's family) made yummy burgers. Then finally it was our turn. Jon's mom and sister and I made lasagna's for everyone. It was very tasty if I do say so myself. Overall it was a wonderful trip food, family, friends, and fun! Nothing could be better!
Jameson and Nathan enjoying a chat.
Jon and I in front of Uncle Jon's gorgeous house!
Jameson and Elizabeth with Ella Grace. She is the cutest baby ever!
Frying the Turkey! Yummy!!!The Master at work! Jon's dad frying up the turkey.
Carter, aka Jack Jack, riding the horsey. So adorable!

Long over due...

So as anyone who checks my blog regularly knows, I have not been so good about updating my blog for oh...well let's face it, since I started blogging. Anyway, so here they come, an onslaught of new albeit outdated blogs. Hope you you enjoy!